A Million Hearts Illumined Benefactors Circle

On the Vision page of our site, we share our hopes and goals for the decade now underway from July 2022 through June 2032. If you haven’t already, you might appreciate seeing our Vision Statement.

In it we announce our three main goals over this Vision decade:

A Million Hearts Illumined
Their stresses lightened, their souls brightened,
and their lives made more livable, peaceful, and conscious

A Thousand Hearts Awakened
Into the deep unity of Spirit and Matter in relational, embodied awakening that we call HEART-realization

A Hundred Hearts in Service
As awakened, independent HEART-Activators of our “3 proven keys,”
HEART-Transmission, HEART-Exploration, and HEART-Activation

A Million Hearts Illumined Benefactors Circle

On the Vision page of our site, we share our hopes and goals for the decade now underway from July 2022 through June 2032. If you haven’t already, you might appreciate seeing our Vision Statement.

In it we announce:

Our three main goals over this Vision decade

A Million Hearts Illumined

Their stresses lightened, their souls brightened,
and their lives made more livable, peaceful, and conscious

A Thousand Hearts Awakened

Into the deep unity of Spirit and Matter in relational, embodied awakening
that we call HEART-realization

A Hundred Hearts in Service

As awakened, independent HEART-Activators of our “3 proven keys,”

HEART-Transmission, HEART-Exploration, and HEART-Activation


To reach, touch, and so help illumine a million or more people over the remaining years of this Vision decade will likely take that many awakened realizers and activators, each expressing their one-of-a-kind capacities with their distinctive voices and expressions.

And it’ll take the synergy of great success in our three major projects and others that we describe in more detail on the Vision page:

  • The creation, publication, and promotion of what we intend to be our two most important books, both multimedia and in full color.
  • The securing and endowing of a physical and a virtual sanctuary and a grant-making foundation, all hopefully to be sustained and further developed beyond our lifetimes.
  • And continued mentoring of emerging change-makers through our personal and group coaching and our proprietary trainings such as Waking Down in Mutuality and The White-Hot Yoga of the Heart.

Like most organizations large and small, we depend on infusions of additional funding to help us capitalize our most promising and innovative projects. Truly, we could not grow our effective service to so many aspiring hearts and souls without our benefactors’ help.

We see this 10 Year Vision unfolding in three likely stages:

Years One through Three: Founding 
Years Four through Seven: Expansion
Years Eight through Ten: Fulfillment

The Founding Stage donors of our Million Hearts Illumined Benefactors’ Circle in Year One had a crucial, sustaining impact on our work and our lives from July 2022 through June 2023. That year we were able to complete our Vision Statement and bring our new website to near completion — it’s now launched and live!

If you are one of those Year One Founding Stage donors, again, we are so grateful, and we hope you’ll continue to be an active benefactor now in Year Two and beyond.

If you’re new to supporting our work this way, we invite you to become a Year Two Founding Stage contributor with whatever financial gift or gifts you wish to make. In this Vision Year we look to co-create, publish, and promote our next major book, Becoming a Human Sun, and to make great strides in both our outreach efforts and our ongoing, intensive service to serious Human Sun HEART Work practitioners. 

 Just One Circle

We also recognize and appreciate as benefactors those who offer in-kind, services and material gifts to the work.

And, unlike many recipient organizations, we regard and relate to all givers, both financial and in-kind as participants in a single circle, no matter what or how much they give or donate.

As an active donor in our A Million Hearts Illumined Benefactors Circle, you are a valued member of our Human Sun HEART Team. You are also making an important move to secure your own full legacy to the world, in and beyond this lifetime.

It’s not given to any of us to know how much of an impact this HEART revelation will have for the greater evolution of human consciousness, character, and culture.

If you share with others and us the heartfelt conviction that this work is making an important contribution to all those dimensions of our humanness, and that it should be enabled to achieve its most widespread and deep impacts in these ways over time, then being a giver in our Benefactors Circle can become one of the most gratifying and rewarding things you do while you’re here among us.

If you would like to make a one-time donation of any amount or to set up a 12-month subscription for $10, $20, $50, or $108, click here:

Donate Now

Or, if you'd like to set up a customized giving plan, email us .

Thank you so much! We’d be happy to address any questions you have and otherwise to discuss all this further with you in person. Please email us to set up a call if you wish. 

With all our love, Heart-blessings, and deep thanks,

Saniel & Linda

Saniel Bonder & Linda Groves-Bonder
and the Human Sun HEART Team