The Tantra of Trust
in the Mutuality of Being
The Tantra of Trust in the Mutuality of Being
Six Fundamental Skill-Sets forÂ
Transformative, Coherent Intimacy
in Relationship, Relatedness, and Aloneness:
Inner Work
1. Quantum Wakefulness
2. Heroic Endarkenment
3. Chaordic Embodiment
Relational Play
4. Revelatory Relationship
5. Co-Here-ing Relatedness
6. Mutual Aloneness
FREE Preview Zoom Call
Recorded May 16, here’s the link to the recording:
Weekend Exploration / Inquiry / Journey
Saturday, June 1 and Sunday, June 2, 202
10 am-noon & 12:30-2:30 pm PST each day
In an initial announcement about it, we said this offering is “new,” but...not exactly. In years past we’ve offered Tantra of Trust workshops in multiple cities in the U.S. and once in London.
Now it’s time to bring you this unique, significantly revised and updated expression of our Human Sun HEART Work in this new era, and in a new way!
Here are some things you may want to know:
▶ The essence of what this Tantra can do for you. “Tantra” means “the web” or “the weave,” a teaching or practice to unify in ourselves what appear to be mutually exclusive opposites of experience, such as the infinite and the finite, the sacred and the profane, spirituality and sexuality (with or without actual sexual practice).
▶ The Tantra of Trust helps you “weave together” all the unique aspects of your own nature and experience, ones you like and ones you don't — some of which you may have learned, even from other tantric teachings, NOT to trust or “greenlight” in yourself and your relations with others and the world. And, The Tantra of Trust helps you do this embracing and unifying in your own unique ways and at your own pace.
▶ Who it’s for. This offering is for all: singles, couples, and polyamory partners; gay, straight, or other; female, male, non-binary; young, middle-aged, or old; of all racial, cultural, and spiritual or secular lineages — and, please note, even those not interested in intimate relationships or interpersonal sexual activity.
â–· In other words, this event is The Tantra of Trust for all of who YOU are or might become!
▶ No prerequisites. No previous awareness of or involvement in our Human Sun HEART Work, such as Maximizing Joy™ or Waking Down in Mutuality®, is necessary. We do however recommend you familiarize yourself in basic ways with these teachings through our site.
â–¶ This event could become one of the most radically inspiring re-framings of your entire experience and worldview, ever.
▶ Free PDF of the working manuscript. Everyone who registers for the Weekend Exploration/Journey/Event will receive a free PDF of Saniel’s unfinished manuscript, The Tantra of Trust — which our explorations in the Preview Call and Weekend Event will update, correct, and flesh out in some crucial ways.
â–¶ The free Preview Call. In the Preview Call, recorded Thursday May 16, we introduced the essential elements of our Tantra of Trust teaching, many of which we’re expressing in terms we haven’t used before, and had some conversation with those who attended live. Here’s the link to the recording: Â
▶The Weekend event. Each of the four weekend event modules — mornings and afternoons on both Saturday and Sunday, June 1 and 2 — will include short periods of gazing and meditation, presentations by us, whole group Q&A and conversation, and experiential practices. They may include breakout rooms and/or a limited number of “Heart-seats” (mini-coaching sessions for individuals during the large group meeting).
▶ Saturday morning’s session will be an overview of: “The Tantra of Trust in the Mutuality of Being” and the "Six Fundamental Skill-Sets.”
▶ Saturday afternoon’s session will explore the "Inner Work" of this Tantra in its first three Fundamental Skill-Sets: "Quantum Wakefulness,” “Heroic Endarkenment,” and “Chaordic Embodiment.”
▶ Sunday morning’s session will focus on the “Relational Play” of this Tantra in its second three Fundamental Skill-Sets: “Revelatory Relationship,” “Co-Here-ing Relatedness,” and “Mutual Aloneness.”
▶ Sunday afternoon’s session will be left deliberately unstructured in advance: “Topics and Explorations of the Tantra of Trust to Be Discovered in Our Mutuality of Being.”
▷ We’ll end with a simple closing ceremony and announcement of future opportunities.
â–¶ The fee for the Weekend Event:
▷ $228 USD. This will also be the fee for the recorded audio/video and transcribed version of this Event as an evergreen, online course. (Access to the early bird savings expired right after the Preview Call, when two of those who had joined us registered.)
Want to attend the Weekend Event? Wonderful!
We’ll share more about these teachings and events throughout the month of May.
We’re very excited to make this crucial Tantra of Trust offering available once again, now in a refreshed, updated way, to a whole new generation of dedicated, self-transforming people — along with many who, like us, have been at it for a long, long time, even decades.
We hope you’ll check out the recording of the Preview Call and come join us on the weekend of June 1-2 for the Exploration / Inquiry / Journey!
In the HEART with you always,
Saniel & Linda
Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder
Co-founders, Human Sun Institute and Human Sun Media
Serving your next-phase growth and transformation through Maximizing Joy™, Waking Down in Mutuality®, and other offerings of the Human Sun HEART Work