Maximizing Joy Sample Session Mini-Course

MAXIMIZING JOY: In Your Life, Work, Relationships — and World

SESSION 1: Why Non-Joy Seems to Win So Much of the Time, and What We Can Do about It

We hope you’ll take advantage of this offer for Session One as a sampler mini course to see if you want to get the whole Maximizing Joy course. Learning more about “why non-joy seems to win so much of the time, and what we can do about it,” from both scientific and psycho-spiritual perspectives, can be a huge gift to your optimal total wellness — and joy!

Like all the other course sessions, Session 1 includes three recordings available in both video and audio:

  • A presentation by us, Saniel and Linda, summarizing our primary teachings on that aspect of maximizing joy, and including at least one practice exercise or guided meditation

  • A bonus guest interview with a spiritual luminary or thought leader — in Session One, our friend Rick Hanson, Ph.D., a renowned neuroscientist and acclaimed author of Buddha’s Brain and Hardwiring Happiness. In addition to a practice exercise, Rick offers everyone a “10-Minute Challenge” to help us notice and enhance our happiness

  • A conversation on this theme that we hosted with participants who took the original course live, after they’d had a chance to watch or hear both our presentation and Rick’s guest interview

When you purchase this Sample Session Mini Course, our thank-you letter will include a special link for buying the full course — which we warmly invite you to do! Using that link, you’ll automatically get a discount on the $30 you paid for the mini course.

For a more complete description of the full course, please go to That page includes The Two Kinds of Joy, and Why It’s Totally OK for You to Maximize Both, the introductory video presentation by the two of us, Saniel and Linda.

Here are the 8 session titles and featured guest interviewees in the full course:

Session 1: Why Non-Joy Seems to Win so Much of the Time, and What We Can Do about It
▶ Bonus Interview with Rick Hanson, Ph.D., renowned neuroscientist and author of Buddha's Brain, Hardwiring Happiness, Resilient, and Neurodharma

Session 2: Serving and Being Served — Secrets of Unstinting Generosity and Delighted Receptivity
▶ Bonus Interview with Mirabai Starr, spiritual teacher and author of the newly released Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics and other titles

Session 3: The Endless Dance of Being True to Yourself While Helping Others Do the Same
▶ Bonus Interview with Ken Wilber, philosopher, founder of the international Integral movement, author of The Religion of Tomorrow and other seminal works

Session 4: Acting Local, Being Global, and the Grace of Contribution
▶ Bonus Interview with Stephen Dinan and Devaa Haley-Mitchell, Co-founders of The Shift Network; Stephen is also author of Sacred America, Sacred World

Session 5: Drinking From the Fountain of Blissful Nectar in Your Own Heart
▶ Bonus Interview with Miranda Macpherson, spiritual teacher and author of The Way of Grace: The Transforming Power of Ego Relaxation

Session 6: Why Trust Is the Ground of Joy — and How to Strengthen It
▶ Bonus Interview with Anodea Judith, founding director of Sacred Centers, therapist and global teacher, author of Wheels of Life, Eastern Body — Western Mind, The Global Heart  Awakens, and more

Session 7: The Serene Joy of "Foundation Friendship," the Radical Unity That Liberates Us into Our Uniqueness
▶ Bonus Interview with Ejna (formerly Jean) Fleury, Lakota Grandmother, Visionary, and Peace Ambassador for the Crow Creek Sioux tribe

Session 8: What the One Great Heart We All Share Won't Settle for Less Than
▶ Bonus Interview with the late Terry Patten, Integral leader, (r)evolutionary, and author of The New Republic of the Heart and founder of the international New Republic of the Heart community

We hope the Sample Session Mini Course will leave you hungry and curious to learn more and to delight in the presence and communications of all of us who created this full course. Timelessly “evergreen,” it could be a crucial resource for you for years to come!

Again, when you purchase this Sample Session Mini-Course, our thank-you letter will include a special link to buy the full course that automatically discounts your sample session $30 fee.

Thank you so much for your interest in our offerings! We hope to hear from you soon. If you have questions, please write us at [email protected]. And see our website,

Heart-blessings and warm well wishes,

Saniel & Linda

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